In an editorialpublished November 12, 2014, the Washington Post endorsed the use of open primaries, where all voters can participate and Ranked Choice / Instant Runoff Voting (RCV / IRV).
The editorial is addressing three bills introduced by Washington, D.C. Council member David Grosso (I-At Large) to reform the voting process in the nation’s capital. However, the importance of this endorsement by a leading and one of the most respected national newspapers on the need for open primaries and the end of plurality winners cannot be over-emphasized.
The Nevada Election Modernization and Reform Act (NEMRA) gives Nevada legislators the unique opportunity to lead the nation and demonstrate these processes can be implemented on a state-wide basis. As I have written previously on this blog, the Top-Three primary and the use of RCV / /IRV in the general election in Nevada will strengthen the entire electoral system in Nevada. Voters benefit. Candidates benefit. Political parties benefit. Nevada benefits.